Support Hourly-Paid Staff: Anti-casualisation day of action

In an incredibly busy time for the university and for the UCU, the union has called a day of action for anti-casualisation today to highlight the issues facing hourly-paid staff, fixed-term and casually-employed staff. Issues of job security and casualization are pertinent to all of us but affect hourly-paid and fixed-term staff particularly.

How are we marking the day of action?
At City we will be marking the day of action by holding a recruitment and information stall today, 12-30-1.30pm on the University walkway.

We are also holding a staff meeting for hourly-paid visiting lecturers on Tuesday 18th November 3-4pm in C322.

What can you do to help?
If you hourly-paid yourself, or want to support hourly-paid colleagues, you can help:

  • Send this blog post to interested colleagues such as hourly-paid VLs
  • Come and support the union committee at the recruitment and information stall today
  • Encourage hourly-paid colleagues to come and visit the stall and join UCU if they are not already members
  • Publicise the staff meeting on the 18th November to colleagues
  • Display one of the attached posters:
    Hourly-Paid Visiting Lecturers
    Part-time Staff
    Researchers Terms and Conditions

A number of regulations, policies and procedures protect hourly-paid, part-time and fixed term staff. These are linked to at the end of this post.

At this busy time for UCU, please show your support for colleagues. We will shortly be organising more events to highlight the issues facing other groups such as fixed-term researchers.

City University Policies and Procedures

Visiting Lecturer Policy

Equitable Treatment of Fixed Term Staff

Research Staff Terms and Conditions (2012)

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy

Capability, Discipline, Dismissal Grievance, Probation, Redundancy (for all staff)

Employment Regulations

Fixed-term employment contracts
The Fixed-term Employees (Prevention of Less Favourable Treatment) Regulations 2002

ACAS recommendations

Government website

Part time Contracts
The Part-time Workers (Prevention of Less Favourable Treatment) Regulations 2000

ACAS recommendations

Government website

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