Countdown to strike action: 6 February 2014

We will be on strike for one day on 6 February. On the day there will be pickets on entrances until 11am and then we will be organising Ed Talks, a City University UCU Teach-Out. More details on both to follow.

1 week prior to strike

  • If you are scheduled to teach on Thursday 6February we recommend that you tell your students that you won’t be teaching. We have prepared a PowerPoint slide with which to end your classes this week. If you’re not teaching on Thursday you may still want to show this slide in a class next week.
  • Email Keith Simpson to let him know if you are available to join the picket lines.
  • Talk to your colleagues about why you are taking strike action and discuss joining the picket lines together. Any staff members who want to take part in strike action can still join UCU at and joining forms will be available on the picket line.
  • If you have any concerns about taking strike action you can find the UCU’s strike FAQs here:

Evening prior to strike: Wednesday 5 February

  • Set an out of office message from your University email – suggested text below:

UCU, Unite and Unison members are striking on Thursday 6th February in a dispute over the pay squeeze on University staff salaries. I will not be responding to any emails or phone messages received on 6th February. Please email or call again on Friday 7th February.

Why are we striking?

The joint unions are taking industrial action in protest against falling pay. Salaries in HE have fallen by around 13% in 5 years, when inflation is taken into account. This year we have been offered a 1% (below inflation) pay increase, while Vice Chancellors have awarded themselves an average of 8.1%.

What do we hope to achieve?

By taking industrial action, trade union members are sending a message to university management that they deserve proper support and remuneration for their work. For more information on the strike visit the UCU webpage at:

What do we want students to do?

We are committed to students’ education. For this reason we are holding Ed Talks, a Teach Out to which all students of City University are invited. Whether or not you can attend Ed Talks, if you want to encourage the employers to return to the bargaining table and settle this dispute, please email the Vice Chancellor to tell him so.

Strike Day: Thursday 6 February 2014

  • If you are available for the picket line do turn up at your allocated entrance by 7:30am for set up. Pickets start from 8am and will continue until 10.45.
  • Come to Ed Talks – in Northampton Square from 11am (more details to follow).
  • Remember to tweet what you are up to (#fairpayinhe and let us and City University know @cityucu @cityunilondon @ucu)
  • We will keep all members updated on what is happening on the day

After the strike

  • When asked by management members should feel proud to inform City University London that they took part in the strike.
  • UCU members will continue working to contract on 7 February.