Countdown to Strike Action

There is still time to take action ahead of tomorrow’s strike and show your support for the Fair Pay in HE campaign. If you’re worried about striking, or you have not been on strike before, you are not alone. Read about one member’s experience of the 31st October strike at

 Today 2nd December:

 Tomorrow 3rd December:

  • Arrive at your allocated picket line. The plan for the 3rd is to have presence at all buildings from 07.30 onwards. If you’ve not had a chance to sign up for a picket line prior to the day you can still come along to Northampton Square entrance before 3pm to show your support.
  • Wrap up warm tomorrow.


After the strike:

  • When asked by management, members should feel proud to inform City University London that they took part in the strike.

Support your colleagues. Stand up for fair pay in HE. Join the picket line tomorrow.


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