A timeline for strike action for City UCU members

Evening prior to strike: Wednesday 30th October
Set an out of office message from your University email – suggested text below.

UCU, Unite and Unison members are striking on Thursday 31st October in dispute over the pay squeeze on University staff salaries. I will not be responding to any emails or phone messages received on 31st October. Please email or call again on Friday 1st November.

Why are we striking?
The joint unions are taking industrial action in protest against falling pay. Salaries in HE have fallen by around 13% in 5 years, when inflation is taken into account.

What do we hope to achieve?
By taking industrial action, trade union members are sending a message to university management that they deserve proper support and remuneration for their work. For more information on the strike visit the UCU webpage at: http://www.ucu.org.uk/hepay13

Strike Day: Thursday 31st October 2013
•    If you are available for the picket line do turn up at your allocated entrance by 7:30am for set up. Pickets start from 8am.
•    If you are not able to make it for 8am, but are available later in the morning do come along to the Northampton Square entrance.
•    If you are taking strike action, whether or not you are available for picketing or if you have child-care responsibilities during half-term you are welcome to come to the rally at Northampton Square entrance from 11am.
•    A rally has been organised to take place at 2pm on Thursday. The rally will take place in Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, near Holborn. There will be speakers from all of the three striking trades’ unions.

After the strike
•    When asked by management members should feel proud to inform City University London that they took part in the strike.
•    UCU members will commence work to contract on 1st November – further instructions to follow.

If you have any questions, please contact your rep or email ucu@city.ac.uk

We wish you all the best and see you on the 31st!

For fair pay, for job security, for working conditions!

A message from the UCU

Dear colleague,
So far this week, people are joining UCU at three times the normal rate so they can take strike action for fair pay alongside colleagues this coming Thursday 31 October.
If you want to join and take part in the strike, it’s easy. Just click here:
Thank you for reading this email.

Matt Waddup
UCU National Head of Campaigns


At City University (in spite of many members leaving due to the dreadful PSR job cuts and downgrading) membership continues to rise to a new high and last week saw the largest number of new members we can recall. The tide is turning, make sure you join today and join the action tomorrow.

If you have any problems with the link above just – search engine Join UCU

There will be picket lines on every major entrance to the University. Volunteer for picket lines on


Best wishes,


Keith Simpson

UCU City University President

City University Students Union Executive voted unanimously in support of the strike action!

We are delighted to inform you that City University Students Union Executive voted unanimously in support of the strike action being taken by UCU, UNISON & UNITE on 31st October 2013. We wish to extend the thanks of all our members to the Executive for their support.

We are working closely with the Students Union Officers and will keep you updated with our plans for the 31st October. Let’s hope that this show of strength and solidarity will see our VC, Paul Curran, as the Chair of UCEA (the employers association) request an early return to the negotiating table.


It is YesYes!

Ballot result

The ballot closed at noon on 10 October. Turnout was 35.0%. The responses to the two questions you were balloted on are as follows:

Are you prepared to take industrial action consisting of strike action?

  • Number of ballot papers returned: 20,741
  • Number voting YES: 12,754 (61.5%)
  • Number voting NO: 7,985 (38.5%)
  • Number of papers found to be invalid: 2

Are you prepared to take industrial action consisting of action short of a strike?

  • Number of ballot papers returned: 20,741
  • Number voting YES: 15,967 (77.0%)
  • Number voting NO: 4,772 (23.0%)
  • Number of papers found to be invalid:: 2

The union’s Higher Education Committee will discuss the result and the next steps tomorrow, Friday 11 October. UCU is working closely with the other higher education unions and their results will be considered as well. A further report will be sent to branches early next week. http://www.ucu.org.uk/hepay13 http://www.ucu.org.uk/media/pdf/h/c/ucu_heballotresults_oct13.pdf